Hardwood desktop.
Standing desks are become a really popular option for home offices. The bases themselves are brilliant, but the desktops are often built from cheap materials with little to no thought on design. Using hardwood was the only option. We chose European Ash, as it is hardwearing and has a really consistent grain pattern, which would help when finishing the timber.

Made to fit the space.
The beauty of bespoke furniture is that it can be tailored to fit it’s intended environment. This project was no different. We went for a large desk to fit perfectly with the home office.
The humble bevel.
Creating a contemporary, timeless desktop had to involve a bevel. We went quite subtle on this one, opting for an under-cut bevel that gives a really precise live to the edges of the desktop.

Something a little different.
We went slightly leftfield on the finishing of this one. Using products from Rubio Monocoat (the greatest wood finishing products, in our opinion) we choose a deep black finish to create a really sleek and hardwearing surface.

This project was fully bespoke, so if you have an idea for a bespoke piece of furniture, then get in touch.